Monday, January 9, 2012

Sixtin Chapel

The ‘Sixtin Chapel’ was placed in the North of Saint Peter’s basilica. It was build by the pope Sixt IV della Rover between 1473-1477. It was a great building and a lot of famousness artists left there a piece of them. Michelangelo played the most important role in the Chapel’s decoration.
Michelangelo Buonarotti (1475-1564) was an Italian Renaissance sculptor, painter, architect, and poet who exerted an unparalleled influence on the development of Western art. The Sixtine Chapel in Vatican is his story of  Creation.
This paintings,as a hole, is full of light.The stillness of the picture gives us that feeling of peace and harmony,but at the same time express sadness.The objects are painted clearlyand there we can see a perfect balance between dark and light.
”Sixtin Chapel” was the reason of Michelangelo’ restless.. In „Sixtin Chapel” heput all his talent, and the result was a miracole. It had more then ancient influience; it had life. So his impression had a rey of purity .   
In one of the pictures the figures are animated by a dynamic tension, that accentuates the dramatic and heroic conception of the subject. The group in the front, that symbolizes the new world of Christianity, is clearly detached from the classic, pagan world, shown in the background of the painting.
As  Kenneth Clark wrote about this beautiful paintings,we can say that  `Their physical beauty is an image of divine perfection; their alert and vigorous movements an expression of divine energy. From the moment of its completion the Ceiling has always been regarded as one of the supreme masterpieces of pictorial art “(the recent cleaning has revealed anew the beauty of the colouring).
When we are looking to this pictures,we really feel a sense of peace and harmony.Michelangelo was, at the age of 37, recognized as the greatest artist of his day, a position he retained unchallenged until his death. 

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